My “go to” source of investment advice
In this volatile time, the insight that Kirk provides has risen above some of the the other investment services that I use. Although having conviction to an investment thesis, he has also been willing to alter course when necessary. His commentary is refreshingly honest, and position advice is specific. There is plenty of free vanilla advice out there, but Kirk delivers the guidance one should expect from a paid service.
A practical “boots on the ground” way to learn about and take advantage of current trends and become a better investor
I participate in Kirk’s weekly webinar where he provides accurate and timely analysis of current trends and conditions that I use to manage my investments. I use his VSL (Very Short List) as a guide to help me enter into equity positions. And the articles he publishes provide me with more in depth analysis of specific companies and “secular tailwinds.” In short, I like Fundamental Trends because it’s practical, easy to understand and it’s making me a better investor who is more “in tune” with what’s coming as opposed to what’s already happened.
Great service with active community and forward looking insights
Excellent Service
Fundamental Trends is an excellent resource of information. Access to the group and weekly webinars helps you get your questions answered. Highly recommended.
Take advantage of Kirk Spano’s great instincts on market movements for position traders
If you need help predicting macro trends, you may want to give Fundamental Trends and Kirk Spano a try. He reads and researches many and varied sources (macro-economic, political, and technical analysis) and then processes and translates all that information into predictions on which way the market will move and to what degree. His timing is pretty good too. In addition, he recommends a few ETF’s and individual stocks, and indicates sectors that will thrive and those to avoid. And he provides guidance on portfolio construction, and the occasional option trade.. Members will get access to the stocks lists, webinars, and a chat room. I’ve found him to be very accessible and helpful when I have questions, clearly expressing his thoughts, and providing a bit of education.