Herding Cats
This extremely diverse group of enthusiastic newbies and experienced market hands is a handful for any commentator to handle. The Margin of Safety cautious types and the aggressive trader wannabes can be found here, largely free of troll types. Kirk has the personality to suffer the naive question and take no nonsense while getting across his views and opinions on the market in an entertaining way. Without his steadying overview, I would lack the confidence to take positions and play them out. I have had to read some and pay attention to help educate myself. Highly recommended.
Long time subscriber
I have “known” Kirk a few years, on MW and Fundamental Trends, and I find his insights compelling, and actionable. have had a ten-bagger based on his advice, as well as other doubles in the past three years. The weekly webinars are a treat, and the core 4 makes a lot of sense to me. I am widely diversified, but focused, in my portfolio, based on his advice. I am all in (pretty much). I particularly like his energy/oil perspective, and would like to hear more about recent action, as the sector seems to have had trouble lately. An update on thinking would be appreciated.
Fundamental Trends works.
Kirk is a very astute observer of the markets and the economy. He translates this into investing ideas that are very profitable. He also lets you know what he’s thinking and how he’s come to conclusions he’s made, so you can begin to develope your own good market sense. Straight foward, useful information that will make you a lot of money, Fundamental Trends will increase your wealth and confidence in navigating the markets.
Fundamental Trends has done an excellent job of staying a number of steps ahead of the crowd when it comes to investing and trading in todays challenging markets. Kirk was way ahead in forecasting the price of crude to move up to $80, a forecast achieved in late September 2018 that was forecast a year before during September October 23017. Kirk recommended raising cash this past August for an October drop which could not have been timed any better. Numerous recommendations on the Very Short List Kirk maintains for Fundamental Trends subscribers provides for me a very useful investing tool for my money’s worth. Definitely one of the BEST on SA or anywhere in my 25 years trading and investing… My Highest Recommendation.
Great Investment Community
Kirk has helped me become a better investor over the last 3 months. I have made more money with less of my money invested. He engages with subscribers and gives honest answers. The weekly webinar is great. I have learned about scaling into investments and his options ideas are a great guide. I also like that Kirk is a registered investment adviser. Great Service for the money and it has already paid for many years of service in profits!